Western Gas and Electric Company



Our Focus is on the Generation, Storage, and Delivery of Clean Electricity

Western Gas and Electric Company makes early-stage venture (angel)-capital investments in companies operating in the renewable energy fields. If you have a viable plan for a renewable energy-related enterprise but lack the necessary funding to get it started, we may be able to assist you.

We look to invest in renewable energy companies that start with a small team of very experienced and smart people who work well both together and autonomously with an intense focus on customer service and profitability. Our mission is to assist companies whose work will improve the environment and quality of life for everyone. We have the ability to differentiate between good business ideas that can lead to profitable companies and good business ideas that cannot.



About Us

WGE was formed in 1997 as a holding company for assets remaining after the acquisition of Utility Power Group by Golden Genesis and Kyocera Solar. Additional capital has been invested over the years in targeted companies. Our historical areas of interest include solar photovoltaic "PV," technology, power electronics and conversion components, projects, battery energy storage, electricity storage, kinetic/potential energy storage, hydrogen generation, and compression, fuel cells, and electric vehicle infrastructure and services.